Letter E
Packages beginning with letter "E".
- ElectricFence - A debugger which detects memory allocation violations
- e2fsprogs - Utilities for managing ext2, ext3, and ext4 filesystems
- e2fsprogs-devel - Ext2/3/4 filesystem-specific static libraries and headers
- e2fsprogs-libs - Ext2/3/4 filesystem-specific shared libraries
- ebtables - Ethernet Bridge frame table administration tool
- ecj - Eclipse Compiler for Java
- eclipse-birt - Eclipse-based reporting system
- eclipse-callgraph - C/C++ Call Graph Visualization Tool
- eclipse-cdt - Eclipse C/C++ Development Tools (CDT) plugin
- eclipse-cdt-parsers - Eclipse C/C++ Development Tools (CDT) SDK plugin
- eclipse-cdt-sdk - Eclipse C/C++ Development Tools (CDT) SDK plugin
- eclipse-changelog - Eclipse ChangeLog plug-in
- eclipse-dtp - Eclipse Data Tools Platform
- eclipse-emf - Eclipse Modeling Framework (EMF) Eclipse plugin
- eclipse-emf-examples - Eclipse EMF/XSD examples
- eclipse-emf-sdk - Eclipse EMF SDK
- eclipse-emf-xsd - XML Schema Definition (XSD) Eclipse plugin
- eclipse-emf-xsd-sdk - Eclipse XSD SDK
- eclipse-gef - Graphical Editing Framework (GEF) Eclipse plugin
- eclipse-gef-examples - Eclipse GEF examples
- eclipse-gef-sdk - Eclipse GEF SDK
- eclipse-jdt - Eclipse Java Development Tools
- eclipse-linuxprofilingframework - Eclipse Linux Tools Profiling Framework
- eclipse-mylyn - Mylyn is a task-focused UI for Eclipse
- eclipse-mylyn-cdt - Mylyn Bridge: C/C++ Development
- eclipse-mylyn-java - Mylyn Bridge: Java Development
- eclipse-mylyn-pde - Mylyn Bridge: Plug-in Development
- eclipse-mylyn-trac - Mylyn Trac Connector
- eclipse-mylyn-webtasks - Mylyn Connector: Web Templates
- eclipse-mylyn-wikitext - Mylyn WikiText
- eclipse-nls - Babel language packs for the Eclipse platform and various plugins
- eclipse-nls-ar - Eclipse/Babel language pack for Arabic
- eclipse-nls-bg - Eclipse/Babel language pack for Bulgarian
- eclipse-nls-cs - Eclipse/Babel language pack for Czech
- eclipse-nls-da - Eclipse/Babel language pack for Danish
- eclipse-nls-de - Eclipse/Babel language pack for German
- eclipse-nls-el - Eclipse/Babel language pack for Greek
- eclipse-nls-en_AA - Eclipse/Babel language pack for Pseudo Translations
- eclipse-nls-en_AU - Eclipse/Babel language pack for English (Australian)
- eclipse-nls-es - Eclipse/Babel language pack for Spanish
- eclipse-nls-et - Eclipse/Babel language pack for Estonian
- eclipse-nls-fi - Eclipse/Babel language pack for Finnish
- eclipse-nls-fr - Eclipse/Babel language pack for French
- eclipse-nls-he - Eclipse/Babel language pack for Hebrew
- eclipse-nls-hi - Eclipse/Babel language pack for Hindi
- eclipse-nls-hu - Eclipse/Babel language pack for Hungarian
- eclipse-nls-it - Eclipse/Babel language pack for Italian
- eclipse-nls-ja - Eclipse/Babel language pack for Japanese
- eclipse-nls-ko - Eclipse/Babel language pack for Korean
- eclipse-nls-mn - Eclipse/Babel language pack for Mongolian
- eclipse-nls-nl - Eclipse/Babel language pack for Dutch
- eclipse-nls-no - Eclipse/Babel language pack for Norwegian
- eclipse-nls-pl - Eclipse/Babel language pack for Polish
- eclipse-nls-pt - Eclipse/Babel language pack for Portuguese
- eclipse-nls-pt_BR - Eclipse/Babel language pack for Portuguese (Brazilian)
- eclipse-nls-ro - Eclipse/Babel language pack for Romanian
- eclipse-nls-ru - Eclipse/Babel language pack for Russian
- eclipse-nls-sv - Eclipse/Babel language pack for Swedish
- eclipse-nls-tr - Eclipse/Babel language pack for Turkish
- eclipse-nls-uk - Eclipse/Babel language pack for Ukrainian
- eclipse-nls-zh - Eclipse/Babel language pack for Chinese (Simplified)
- eclipse-nls-zh_TW - Eclipse/Babel language pack for Chinese (Traditional)
- eclipse-oprofile - Eclipse plugin for OProfile integration
- eclipse-pde - Eclipse Plugin Development Environment
- eclipse-platform - Eclipse platform common files
- eclipse-rcp - Eclipse Rich Client Platform
- eclipse-rpm-editor - RPM Specfile editor for Eclipse
- eclipse-rse - Eclipse Remote System Explorer
- eclipse-subclipse - Subversion Eclipse plugin
- eclipse-subclipse-graph - Subversion Revision Graph
- eclipse-svnkit - Eclipse feature for SVNKit
- eclipse-swt - SWT Library for GTK+-2.0
- eclipse-valgrind - Valgrind Tools Integration for Eclipse
- ecryptfs-utils - The eCryptfs mount helper and support libraries
- ecryptfs-utils-devel - The eCryptfs userspace development package
- ecryptfs-utils-python - Python bindings for the eCryptfs utils
- ed - The GNU line editor
- edac-utils - Userspace helper for kernel EDAC drivers
- edac-utils-devel - Development files for edac-utils
- efax - A program for faxing using a Class 1, 2 or 2.0 fax modem.
- efibootmgr - EFI Boot Manager
- eggdbus - Experimental D-Bus bindings for GObject
- eggdbus-devel - Development files for EggDBus
- eject - A program that ejects removable media using software control
- ekiga - A Gnome based SIP/H323 teleconferencing application
- elfutils - A collection of utilities and DSOs to handle compiled objects
- elfutils-devel - Development libraries to handle compiled objects
- elfutils-devel-static - Static archives to handle compiled objects
- elfutils-libelf - Library to read and write ELF files
- elfutils-libelf-devel - Development support for libelf
- elfutils-libelf-devel-static - Static archive of libelf
- elfutils-libs - Libraries to handle compiled objects
- elinks - A text-mode Web browser
- emacs - GNU Emacs text editor
- emacs-a2ps - Emacs bindings for a2ps files
- emacs-a2ps-el - Elisp source files for emacs-a2ps under GNU Emacs
- emacs-anthy - Compiled elisp files to run Anthy under GNU Emacs
- emacs-anthy-el - Elisp source files for Anthy under GNU Emacs
- emacs-auctex - Enhanced TeX modes for Emacs
- emacs-auctex-doc - Documentation in various formats for AUCTeX
- emacs-auctex-el - Elisp source files for emacs-auctex
- emacs-common - Emacs common files
- emacs-el - Emacs Lisp source files included with Emacs.
- emacs-git - Git version control system support for Emacs
- emacs-git-el - Elisp source files for git version control system support for Emacs
- emacs-gnuplot - Emacs bindings for the gnuplot main application
- emacs-gnuplot-el - Emacs bindings for the gnuplot main application
- emacs-mercurial - Mercurial version control system support for Emacs
- emacs-mercurial-el - Elisp source files for mercurial under GNU Emacs
- emacs-nox - GNU Emacs text editor without X support
- emacs-pyrex - Pyrex editing mode for Emacs
- enchant - An Enchanting Spell Checking Library
- enchant-aspell - Integration with aspell for libenchant
- enchant-devel - Support files necessary to compile applications with libenchant.
- enchant-voikko - Integration with voikko for libenchant
- enscript - A plain ASCII to PostScript converter
- environment-modules - Provides dynamic modification of a user's environment
- eog - Eye of GNOME image viewer
- eog-devel - Support for developing plugins for the eog image viewer
- epydoc - Automatic API documentation generation tool for Python
- esc - Enterprise Security Client Smart Card Client
- esound-devel - Development files for EsounD applications
- esound-libs - Library to talk to the EsounD daemon
- esound-tools - Commandline tools to talk to the EsounD daemon
- espeak - Software speech synthesizer (text-to-speech)
- espeak-devel - Development files for espeak
- ethtool - Ethernet settings tool for PCI ethernet cards
- evince - Document viewer
- evince-devel - Support for developing backends for the evince document viewer
- evince-dvi - Evince backend for dvi files
- evince-libs - Libraries for the evince document viewer
- evolution - Mail and calendar client for GNOME
- evolution-conduits - gnome-pilot conduits for evolution
- evolution-data-server - Backend data server for Evolution
- evolution-data-server-devel - Development files for building against evolution-data-server
- evolution-data-server-doc - Documentation files for evolution-data-server
- evolution-devel - Development files for building against evolution
- evolution-exchange - Evolution plugin to interact with MS Exchange Server
- evolution-help - Help files for evolution
- evolution-mapi - Evolution extension for MS Exchange 2007 servers
- evolution-mapi-devel - Development files for building against evolution-mapi
- evolution-perl - Supplemental utilities that require Perl
- evolution-pst - PST importer plugin for Evolution
- evolution-spamassassin - SpamAssassin plugin for Evolution
- exempi - Library for easy parsing of XMP metadata
- exempi-devel - Headers for developing programs that will use exempi
- exiv2 - Exif and Iptc metadata manipulation library
- exiv2-devel - Header files, libraries and development documentation for exiv2
- exiv2-libs - Exif and Iptc metadata manipulation library
- expat - An XML parser library
- expat-devel - Libraries and header files to develop applications using expat
- expect - A program-script interaction and testing utility
- expect-devel - A program-script interaction and testing utility
- expectk - A program-script interaction and testing utility